News & blogs
Disused tube station – Waddesdon Manor
Fri 6 Aug 2021
In the middle of empty fields, a long way from London, you will find the remains of a disused London Underground station.
Wildflower meadow restoration at Waddesdon
Tue 29 Jun 2021
Waddesdon is investing in a more sustainable horticultural and garden management plan, replanting bulbs, using green manures and dedicating vast areas of the grounds to wildflower meadows.
Top ten must-see pieces in Waddesdon’s collection
Thu 17 Jun 2021
Don’t miss some of the most impressive objects during your visit with our top ten must-see pieces on display at Waddesdon.
What I have missed about volunteering at Waddesdon
Tue 1 Jun 2021
Over the past year, we have missed our volunteers greatly. As we begin to welcome them back, we were delighted to hear from House Host Angela about what she's missed and what she is looking forward to…
What it's like to volunteer at Waddesdon
Thu 27 May 2021
As part of Volunteer’s Week, we caught up with some of our volunteers to find out what volunteering at Waddesdon entails, and what they enjoy most about their role.
Changes in the gardens
Fri 21 May 2021
Despite the Grade 1 listing of Waddesdon’s landscape, the gardeners occasionally have to make bold decisions to protect the historic gardens for future generations. One such programme is now underwa…
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