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Bird gallery

Learn more about our feathered aviary inhabitants, many of whom are rare and endangered. Discover their favourite foods, habitats and quirky characteristics.


Rothschild's Mynah

Leucopsar rothschildi – critically endangered

Distribution: endemic to North West Bali, Indonesia
Habitat: open woodland with grass understorey; apparently avoids closed forest
Diet: omnivorous. Takes seeds, fruits; nectar. Animal food mainly insects; occasionally worms and small reptiles
Breeding: monogamous. Nest a lining of dry twigs, 4-10m above ground. Clutch 2-3 pale blue eggs; incubation period 12-15 days; nestling period generally 22-24 days; young start to feed themselves at 4-5 weeks


Socorro dove

Zenaida graysoni – extinct in the wild

Distribution: formerly endemic to Socorro Island (off West Mexico)
Habitat: formerly occurred in highland forest; rare in lowlands. A ground-dweller
Diet: fruits, seeds, leaves and animal protein such as live mealworms
Breeding: captives breed in nestboxes placed 1-2.5m above ground; incubation 14-17 days, fledging 14-20 days


Blue-crowned Laughingthrush

Garrulax courtoisi – critically endangered

Distribution: North East Jiangxki (Wuyuan area) in East China
Habitat: mixed evergreen and deciduous forest and forest patches, and adjacent bushy areas, also clumps of large trees
Diet: invertebrates and seeds. Nestlings fed mainly with insects. Forages on ground and in bushes and trees
Breeding: clutches of 3-5 eggs; creamy white; incubation period 14 days; nestling period 13-16 days


Black and White Laughingthrush

Garrulux bicolor – endangered

Distribution: Mountains of Sumatra
Habitat: broadleaf evergreen forest, at 750-2000m
Diet: not really known but thought to be insects, including beetles and spiders
Breeding: breed during Dec – Apr


Rothschild's Peacock Pheasant

Polyplectron inopinatum – vulnerable

Distribution: Mountain of Peninsular Malaysia. Some evidence also occurs in extreme South Thailand
Habitat: throughout unlogged upper dipterocarp forest, and both lower and upper montane forest
Diet: spiders, ants and grubs
Breeding: clutch of two buffy-white eggs, incubation 19-21 days; by female alone


Painted Bunting

Passerina ciris – near threatened

Distribution: breeds in southern USA and adjacent Mexico; migrates to Middle America
Habitat: areas of scattered bush; uses wooded areas in otherwise open habitat
Diet: vegetable, including seeds, arthropods and snails. Nestling food largely or entirely animal
Breeding: usually two broods. Mostly monogamous, but polygamy not uncommon. Nest a neat cup made of grasses, sited in low vegetation. Clutch 3-4 pale, quite heavily speckled eggs; incubation period 11-12 days; nestling period 9 days; recently fledged young very poor flyers for first couple of days; parental care may extend to about three weeks after departure from nest. Female alone builds nest incubates, feeds and rears chicks