April's almanac - The Royal March, 1672
Almanacs such as these were propaganda tools to glorify the king, informing the public about major events such as military victories and royal weddings.
Publisher Pierre Bertrand, Almanac for the Year 1672 (The Royal March), 1672; Waddesdon (National Trust); acc no 2669.4.1. Photo: Mike Fear © National Trust, Waddesdon Manor.
Pictured are Louis XIV, the Dauphin (heir to the throne) and the royal princes, looking out at us proudly, while an intimidating scene of military might plays out in the background. The text praises the valour and renown of the French army, which inspires ‘admiration, terror and fear in the hearts of all the nations on earth.’
The creation of large and complex almanacs involved multiple artists, designers, engravers, printers, and even poets, who in most cases remained anonymous, except for the publisher, whose name is printed along the bottom. The publisher was responsible for managing and financing their production and sale. This is a rare example where the engraver has signed his name – ‘De Larmessin Sculpebat’ (Nicolas de Larmessin II) in the bottom left-hand corner.
Find out more about Glorious Years, an exhibition in which this almanac is featured