What's On

Arts Award Week - Home Educating Families

Wed 12 June


Adult £13.50, Child £12.50 Normal grounds admission applies
Book now

Our Arts Award event for Home Educating families is available to book online. Join us for day taking part in arts, activities, watching artists at work and earning your Arts Award Discover certificate.

Children will meet artists and artisans, participate in large-scale collaborations, as well as earning their Arts Award Discover certificate. This is a really exciting opportunity, giving your students a chance to see art in action and to earn a certificate!

There will be two sessions, one from 10.30am until 12pm, and one from 12.30pm until 2pm.

The cost is £7 per child for a session, but there will be chance to enjoy the house and grounds and Waddesdon the rest of the time.