Combined fall-front desk, cabinet and clock

On display in:

Morning Room

Order image © All images subject to copyright

Artist or maker

Dubois, René (b.1737, d.1799)

Artist or maker

Goyer, Jean (active 1789)


c 1774

1600-1700 {some lacquer panels}

Place of production

  • France


  • oak, tulipwood, purplewood, mahogany, lacquer and gilt bronze

Type of object

  • fall-front desks
  • cabinets (case furniture)
  • clocks

Accession number


Large drop-front desk in black & gold lacquer, surmounted by an eagle clutching emblems of peace & war, with seated female figures on either side

Physical description

Dimensions (mm) / weight (mg)

( excluding plinth) 393.7 x 170.2 x 75



  • Waddesdon (National Trust)
  • Bequest of James de Rothschild, 1957


  • Geoffrey de Bellaigue, Anthony Blunt; Furniture Clocks and Gilt Bronzes: The James A de Rothschild Collection at Waddesdon Manor; 2 vols; Fribourg; Office du Livre; 1974; pp. 327-36; cat. 66
  • John Morley; Furniture, The Western Tradition; London; Thames & Hudson; 1999; p. 282, fig. 579
  • Thibaut Wolvesperges; Le Meuble Français en Laque au XVIIIe Siecle; Brussels; Editions Racine, Bruxelles; 2000; p. 310, fig 173
  • ♦; Thibaut Wolvesperges, French laquered furniture at Waddesdon Manor, Apollo, January 2001; pp 3-8
  • Les collections exceptionnelles des Rothschild: Waddesdon Manor (Hors-série de l'Estampille/l'Objet d'Art, No. 14); Dijon; Éditions Faton; 2004; Page 10 - 21
  • Gazette des Beaux-Arts; Paris; Gazette des Beaux-Arts; 2e trim., July/Aug. 1959, pp. 24-25
  • Michael Hall; Waddesdon Manor: The Heritage of a Rothschild House; New York; Harry N Abrams Inc; 2002; p. 89, ill.
  • Daily Telegraph; Dec. 19, 1898
  • Country Life; London; Country Life; 24 Oct. 1985; colour illustr.
  • Country Life; London; Country Life; 18 May 1961; ref. Milton copy, illustr.
  • Connaissance des Arts; Connaissance des Arts; March 1959; ref. Milton copy, illustr.
  • Svend Eriksen; Early Neo-Classicism in France: the creation of the Louis Seize style in architectural decoration, furniture and ormolu, gold and silver, and Sèvres porcelain in the mid-eighteenth century; London; Faber & Faber; 1974; pp. 316-7, Pls. 104-5
  • ♦; Juliette Hibou, Waddesdon Manor: l'histoire d'une passion, Dossier de l'art, 172, March 2010, 93-95; p. 94, ill.
  • ♦, ♦; Michael Hall, Bric-a-Brac: A Rothschild Memoir of Collecting, Apollo, 166, July 2007-August 2007, 50-77
  • ♦; Godfrey Curtis, Friends Visit to Waddesdon Manor, Friends Of The Clockmakers' Museum; Newsletter, 2010, 4-5; p.4-5

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