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Wales (later Queen) DUPLICATE RECORD, Alexandra, Princess of (b.1844, d.1925)


06 January 1899

Type of object

  • personal correspondence

Accession number


Letter to Alice de Rothschild written by the Princess of Wales from Sandringham.


January 6th (?) 1899

My dear Miss Alice

I hardly know how to tell you all I feel for you in your terrible loss. As I know well what your poor brother was to you and what a (?) his being taken from you will (?) make in your poor sadness and lonely life. God above can help ? of agony which are too deep too bitter for (?) consolation.

I myself who alas have gone through such overwhelming sorrow can feel more than most for those of others. We who all knew yr poor brother so well will miss him greatly and having seen him so very lately here makes us doubly feel his sad loss. The Prince (?) who has lost two such intimate friends as yr brother and Mr Sykes within two days of each other is very lost and depressed.

Hoping that yr health may not permanently suffer from all you have gone through.

Believe me, Yrs very sincerely




  • Waddesdon (Rothschild Family)