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Edward VII of the United Kingdom (b.1841, d.1910)


11 January 1899

Type of object

  • personal correspondence

Accession number


Letter written by Albert Edward to Alice de Rothschild following Ferdinand's death the previous December. The letter is written from Marlborough House.

Marlborough House

January 11/99

My dear Miss Alice

I am deeply grateful for your letter & the kind thought which has prompted you to offer me one of the pictures at Waddesdon belonging to your own late lamented Brother.

With pleasure I accept your valuable gift, especially a picture painted by my old and valued friend Lord Leighton.

My thoughts are continually with you in your great sorrow & I cannot bring myself to believe that I shall never see good kind Ferdy again.

Trusting that your health has not suffered from the heavy blow you have sustained.

Believe me,

Very sincerely yours

Albert Edward



  • Waddesdon (Rothschild Family)