Tickets for Christmas at Waddesdon are sold out for this weekend, please don't travel without a ticket.

Posted 6 September 2017


Myths, Legends & Poupon: Free children's house trails

Bringing your kids to the house? Keep them entertained with our free children's house trails, which combine fun activities with discovering the more unusual aspects of Waddesdon's collection.

Have fun with Poupon’s Viewfinder or our Myths & Legends trail

Younger children can join Poupon the poodle in his search for colourful patterns dotted around the Manor. Poupon was trained to perform extraordinary tricks for Baron Ferdinand’s house guests and went on lots of adventures with his master.

With Poupon’s Viewfinder, can you help him on his quest? Spin the wheel until you find the room you are in, follow the arrow to find out which pattern to look for and search away! All the patterns are at Poupon’s height or below, so this trail is perfect for little ones.

Poupon with his owner, Baron Ferdinand

Older children can enter a magical world of myths and legends. Waddesdon’s collection is full of references to ancient stories of gods, goddesses and magical creatures, so what better way to explore the house than on a quest to return Greek hero Hercules to Mount Olympus, the home of the Gods.

In order to reach his destination, Hercules must answer 12 questions about the collection correctly – can you help him out? Match up stickers with the grid references you find to reveal a hidden picture. Will Hercules make it back to Mount Olympus by the end of the trail?

Greek mythology at Waddesdon: The Ceryneian Hind and Hercules

Whatever their age, children can enjoy discovering more about the most fascinating parts of the collection through these trails. Entertaining, educational and completely free, they are bound to keep the kids busy on their trip round the house!

Pick up your trails from the house entrance, open Wed-Fri 12-4pm, and Sat-Sun 11am-4pm.