Joshua Reynolds, Emma Assheton-Smith, Mrs Robert Scott of Danesfield (d.1834)

Emma Assheton-Smith, Joshua Reynolds

Unlike Theophila Gwatkin, whose white and blue is set against dark trees, the colours used to depict Mrs. Scott’s body and clothing are repeated in the freely painted sky behind her.

Emma Assheton-Smith, Mrs Robert Scott of Danesfield. The colours of Mrs Scott’s body and clothing are repeated in the freely painted sky behind (1834)
Emma Assheton-Smith, Mrs Robert Scott of Danesfield. The colours of Mrs Scott’s body and clothing are repeated in the freely painted sky behind (1834) © National Trust / Waddesdon Manor

The muted hues and particular mastery of whites and creams show the influence of George Romney (1734-1802), whose portrait of the actress Mrs. Jordan (1761-1816) in a stage role hangs on the other side of the fireplace. Romney’s works, which were considerably cheaper than Reynolds’s, appealed to sitters for their apparent simplicity and air of naturalness.

Romney's Dorothea Bland, 'Mrs Jordan' as 'Peggy' in 'The Country Girl' (1786-1787)
Romney's Dorothea Bland, 'Mrs Jordan' as 'Peggy' in 'The Country Girl' (1786-1787) © National Trust / Waddesdon Manor